Javascript vs Java – Are they siblings or competitors?

JavaScript vs Java. They share a name, but that’s all they have in common. What’s the relation then? Keep reading to find out!

Adam Spencer
by Adam Spencer
Cover Image for Javascript vs Java – Are they siblings or competitors?

JavaScript vs Java. They share a name, but that’s all they have in common. Understanding the distinctions between these two common programming languages is crucial. Please continue reading to learn about the two and their respective applications.

Javascript logo

What is Javascript?

Javascript is a scripting language that runs on the client or the server to provide interactivity to a website. To complement the static presentation offered by HTML and CSS, JavaScript allows for dynamic, user-interactive content to be added to websites. The search bar on Amazon, the news summary video embedded in The New York Times, and refreshing your Twitter feed are all instances of Javascript that you may use frequently.

Simple to learn

JavaScript is simple to comprehend as well as study. The language is straightforward for end users and programmers creating new features. It is also highly feasible to deploy, which saves enterprises and teams a lot of effort (and money) in generating dynamic web content.


JavaScript is used practically everywhere because all contemporary browsers support it. JavaScript is a tool that is used by all of the most well-known firms, such as Google, Amazon, PayPal, and others.


Because of its seamless compatibility with other programming languages, JavaScript is rapidly becoming the language of choice for developing various applications. We can incorporate it into any website or the code of another programming language by embedding it there.

Server Dependency

Since JavaScript operates on the client side, data validation can be performed within the browser rather than transmitting to the server. The browser updates only the selected section of the page. In the event of a discrepancy, the entire website does not need to be reloaded.

Rich Interfaces

JavaScript provides developers with a variety of APIs for generating appealing webpages. Drag-and-drop components or sliders can provide a rich user experience to web pages. This improves user interaction on the website.

Extended Functionality

Using third-party add-ons allows developers to save costs and time by inserting chunks of prepackaged code into their own code. These add-ons make it possible for developers to build applications using JavaScript far more quickly and efficiently than they could use other programming languages.


These days, JavaScript may be used for websites’ front-end and back-end development. NodeJS is used to create the back end, while various libraries, such as Angular and React, help develop the front end.

Less Overhead

By shortening the amount of code that has to be executed, JavaScript helps webpages and online applications run more efficiently. Because of the usage of a variety of built-in methods for loops, DOM access, and other purposes, the programs include less overhead.

What can you do with Javascript?

Javascript allows users to interact with web pages. There are essentially no limitations to what you can accomplish using JavaScript on a web page – here are just a few examples:

  • With the press of a button, you can show or hide more information.
  • When the mouse hovers over a button, it changes its color.
  • Zooming in and out of an image
  • A timer or countdown displayed on a website
  • Implement audio and video playback on a website
  • Using a hamburger drop-down menu

Javascript frameworks of many types are used to construct and build applications as complex as you need. For example, if a user wants to explore a map in an application like Google Maps, all they have to do is click and drag the mouse to get a detailed perspective. This is powered by JavaScript, which communicates with the browser but not the servers. React Native, React JS, Angular, and Vue are some of the most popular JavaScript front-end frameworks.

The ability to quickly create, test, and debug code for scalable network applications is available to developers. JavaScript is useful for content generation and handling HTTP requests. When using the Node.js open-source server runtime environment, JavaScript may also be utilized to create server-side applications. To name just a few, Node.js has been adopted by industry heavyweights for use in their server architecture by the likes of Walmart, PayPal, Uber, GoDaddy, and many more.

Java logo

What is Java?

Java is an object-oriented and class-based programming language that may be used for various purposes. Because of the language’s portable structure, programmers don’t need to consider the specifics of their target computer system while writing or executing programs written in the language. “Write once run everywhere” (WORA) is a prevalent way to describe it. Java code compiled on one platform may be executed on any platform that supports Java Runtime Environment without further changes.


The Java programming language strongly focuses on assisting users in producing error-free code. Runtime checking is one example of a procedure that contributes to achieving this objective (RTC). RTC automatically detects runtime faults, and users are notified of them.

Simple to learn

Java was developed to be a user-friendly programming language. Because it uses a combination of automated and structurally robust procedures, it makes it relatively easy for inexperienced developers to design applications. It is possible to become skilled with the proper instruction and practice.

OO (Object-oriented)

When using the Java programming language, everything is considered an object. Each object has a specific identity, state, and set of behaviors that define it as a member of a particular class.


The multithreading method enables you to run many applications in parallel despite each being executed independently. The fact that Java programs and applications may run in several threads is an advantage. Additionally, threads share a shared memory space, which lowers the amount of work that needs to be done by the central processing unit (CPU).


One of the most praised aspects of the Java programming language is its security. Java has numerous levels of protection by default, allowing you to establish and execute virus-free development environments as a developer. To mention a few security features, Java has no explicit pointer, the classloader separates local and imported class packages, and Java applications are compiled into bytecode.


Java distinguishes itself from other programming languages by being a language that can be written once and executed on every platform. When using Java, there is no need to develop separate code for Mac, Linux, or Windows. On the other hand, Java is a software-based language. Its code is compiled, transformed to bytecode, and then run on your preferred platform.


This functionality is intrinsically linked to Java’s platform independence. It has to do with the programming language’s bytecode being able to be executed on any platform without the need for a specific implementation.

Neutral Architecture

Because the Java bytecode interpreter may run on any platform, this programming language is considered to be architecturally neutral. The code does not include any dependencies or variations, and the instructions that come from Java code do not get directly executed on the platform on which it is being executed.


Java’s distributed language system enables safe code transfer and access between several computers. It also allows it to meet high bandwidth requirements, lower latency simultaneously, and boost output. Java is, therefore, completely compatible with all types of programming environments.

What can you do with Java?

Applications may be created in Java for a variety of platforms. It is used by desktop computers, servers, mobile phones, tablets, Blu-ray players, televisions, and web browsers. Java complies with WORA specifications. Thus the same code can run on all systems that support the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) without needing to be recompiled.

Applications written in Java are utilized in various contexts, including Android applications, desktop application development, and banking and finance app development.

Java is used to develop programs for several platforms that run JRE and apps that run on a single device, such as a desktop or mobile phone. It may also be used to create applications that operate in a distributed fashion. The same program can be distributed and run synchronously across several servers or clients in a network. Java may also be used to create application modules or applets that can be embedded in web pages.

Java can be used to:

  • Graphical user interface applications
  • Applications and web servers
  • Enterprise-level applications
  • Embedded systems
  • Middleware applications
  • Web apps
  • Mobile apps

So what’s the relation between Javascript vs Java?

Brendan Eich developed Javascript at Netscape Communications in 1995. Netscape and Eich created Javascript as a scripting language for use with the Netscape Navigator, the company’s main web browser. Originally known as LiveScript, Netscape changed the name to JavaScript to promote it as a complement to Sun Microsystems’ Java language.

Following its debut, an increasing number of browsers began to support JavaScript. Nonetheless, JavaScript was not recognized as a significant programming language for most of its existence. Its early releases had substantial performance and security flaws, but developers had little choice. They had to utilize JavaScript to run applications in the browser.

As for Java, it is essential to note that it is an Object-Oriented programming language that James Gosling created in the early 1990s. The team started this project to build a language for digital devices such as televisions, set-top boxes, and other similar devices.

The project was dubbed “Greentalk” by James Gosling and his colleagues, and the file extension was .gt. It eventually became known as “OAK.” Why the name “Oak”? Gosling chose the name Oak after an oak tree outside his office. Because Java’s name was so distinctive, it was selected after considerable debate. Java gets its name from a type of espresso bean called Java. While drinking coffee near his office, Gosling came up with this moniker.

Considering all of these, aside from some superficial grammatical similarities, JavaScript is unrelated to the Java computer language. By all means. They do different things in different contexts. So let’s answer the main question once and for all: in a “battle” between Javascript vs Java, there’s no winner.

Javascript vs Java – Key differences

The primary distinction between the two is that Java is a compiled language as opposed to Javascript, which is an interpreted language.

Compiled Languages

Compiled languages, such as Java, validate the code of a complete project while optimizing and transforming scribbles into byte code that can subsequently be read by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It detects a fair number of syntactical problems and notifies developers of them at build time.

From then on, the programmer works with a compressed bundle of byte codes, such as a Java Archive (JAR) or, in the case of a web application, a Web Archive (WAR). A virtual machine may then launch this package or a web container, which opens it, loads it into memory, looks for an entry point, and launches it on someone’s desktop or server. This does not prevent you from committing programming logic errors but provides you the option to remedy all syntactical issues straight away.

Interpreted Languages

Interpreted languages, such as JavaScript, look through your source code and solve it as they go. The performance damage from the activity of interpretation is scarcely visible since interpreters have grown so rapid and forceful.

Building and maintaining big JavaScript projects requires a strong organizational culture and discipline. However, it allows for various “creative” solutions and dynamic changes to the current code base. On the other side, it fosters a culture of shortcuts, “duct tape,” clever coding, and obscurity.

In terms of intellectual property security, there is no good solution to make your code both executable and inaccessible. There are “minifiers,” “uglyfiers,” and other obfuscation software available, but none of them will distort your code sufficiently to render it unreadable. This is because the interpreter must be able to read your code during execution. The obfuscation package can remove all spaces, carriage returns, and tabs and generally make it appear like a jumble. Nonetheless, it must retain many original elements.

Javascript vs Java – Summarizing

  • Java is a programming language that is multi-platform, object-oriented, and network-centric. In contrast, JavaScript is a scripting language that allows you to construct interactive web pages.Java is strongly typed language while JavaScript is a weakly typed language.
  • Java files have the suffix “.Java,” but Javascript files have the extension “.js.”
  • Java is a platform-independent programming language, meaning that code written in Java may be executed on practically any other computing platform. On the other hand, Javascript is a language that can be used across several platforms, but not all.
  • While Java is compiled on the server before being executed on the client, JavaScript is interpreted by the client.
  • Java is a statically typed programming language, whereas JavaScript is a dynamically typed programming language.
  • Javascript vs Java is a “battle” without a winner.

After reading this essay on Javascript vs Java, you will undoubtedly have a better understanding of these two famous languages, which have radically altered the app development business.

At Talendor, we have both Javascript and Java experts ready to work on your project.

But do you still have doubts about which language to choose for your next project? Java, Javascript, or maybe another? Our Talendor experts are willing to help you figure that out. You can fill out this form, and we’ll reach you shortly.

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Adam Spencer
Adam Spencer
Talendor's CEO and founder. Programming since 1996. A dog's owner. The Mighty Thor. Pizza, polenta, and cheese boards.
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